Testing text-mining platform for applicability of preclinical models


Testing text-mining platform for applicability of preclinical models

In a FAST project TNO has developed a publicly available text-mining platform to effectively find useful preclinical models to be used for your innovation . This platform focuses on identifying preclinical models and their translational value based on public documents, such as EMA EPARs and PubMed.

In an exploratory phase, the FAST tool was developed as a proof-of-concept. We are now looking for potential users that are willing  to provide input on optimal implementation, both in terms of interface and functionality. We hope you will participate!

How it works:

  1. Register at diamonds.tno.nl
  2. Send an email to support.diamonds@tno.nl to let us know you are participating so your account can be activated
  3. Explore the current platforms (see below) so you can provide feedback
  4. We are organising two sessions:
    1. A session explaining the tools and objectives
    2. An integrated feedback session to develop a new design that incorporates user requirements as much as possible
  5. Users who wish to continue contributing throughout the development process will have the opportunity to do so.

Available platforms:

  • FAST: A beta tool that extracts preclinical models from EMA documents. This data-driven model serves as a starting point for the design of the final implementation.
  • TargetTri: A platform for drug target-effect relationships that will soon be available in the public domain. This platform was developed in collaboration with four pharmaceutical companies and illustrates how results from texts can be structured effectively.


TNO is a leading research centre active in the field of biomedical text-mining, among other areas. TNO aims to accelerate drug research together with other parties. They do so by analysing, interpreting, and making publicly available information accessible to researchers in an intuitive way. Read more here.