Listen to the four-part podcast series on drug repurposing (spoken in Dutch)


Listen to the four-part podcast series on drug repurposing (spoken in Dutch)

The application of existing drugs for a different indication is called drug repurposing. If proven suitable, the drug can be available quickly, you would think. After all, the drug is already available. The efficacy is known, the safety has been demonstrated, and regulatory assessment has been completed . The development path is shorter and cheaper in comparison to traditional new drugs. A treasure trove?

In this four-part podcast series (spoken in Dutch), we explore the opportunities of drug repurposing: the examples, the business case, as well as the obstacles and bottlenecks.


#1 Podcast: ‘Hoe innovatie en betaalbaarheid hand in hand gaan’ | Drug repurposing #1 De potentie van drug repurposing

#2 Podcast: ‘Hoe innovatie en betaalbaarheid hand in hand gaan’ | Drug repurposing #2 De knelpunten

#3 Podcast: ‘Hoe innovatie en betaalbaarheid hand in hand gaan’ | Drug repurposing #3 Een gezond verdienmodel in zicht

#4 Podcast: ‘Hoe innovatie en betaalbaarheid hand in hand gaan’| Drug repurposing #4 De schatkist geopend: 3 repurposing cases’

Saco de Visser

Scientific Director
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